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Developer Reference

This document is a Plugin SDK reference. The Plugin SDK is part of Leapp Core and contains Base Classes that describe different types of plugins.


A wrapper class used to expose a minumum set of methods from Leapp Core.

Currently available methods:


  • log(message: string, level: PluginLogLevel, display: boolean): void

Log a custom message in Leapp or in the log file

argument type description
message string the message to show
level LogLevel severity of the message
display boolean shows the message in a toast in the desktop app when true. Otherwise, log it in the log files


  • fetch(url: string): any

Retrieve the content of an URL. Returns a promise for the URL

argument type description
url string a valid HTTP URL to fetch from


  • openExternalUrl(url: string): void

Open an external URL in the default browser

argument type description
url string a valid HTTP URL to open in the default browser

Example: display a toast message in Leapp

this.pluginEnvironment.log("Hello World",, true);

Example: fetch basic usage

const res = await this.pluginEnvironment.fetch(""); //Insert a custom URL
const response = await res.json();

Example: open an URL in the browser



A base class that needs to be extended by a plugin and serves as the action class.

After extending this class, you need to implement these methods:


  • applySessionAction(session: Session, credentials: any): Promise<void>

Run your custom action

argument type description
session Session the Leapp session you run the action from
credentials any Leapp temporary-generated credentials

The credentials object has the following structure:

export interface CredentialsInfo {
  sessionToken: {
    aws_access_key_id: string;
    aws_secret_access_key: string;
    aws_session_token: string;
    region: string;

get actioName

  • get actionName(): string>

Return a name for the action that will be display in Leapp (e.g. "My Awesome Plugin")

get actionIcon

  • get actionIcon(): string

Return a valid FontAwesome 5 code. Override default value in package.json

Example: display a session-based message in Leapp

async applySessionAction(session: Session, credentials: any): Promise<void> {
    if(session.type === Session.awsIamUser) {
        this.pluginEnvironment.log(`This is an IAM User session: ${session.sessionName}`,, true); 
    else {
        this.pluginEnvironment.log(`This is NOT an IAM User session: ${session.sessionName}`,, true);

package.json metadata

property values description constraints
name a custom string the name of the plugin the same used in the plugin folder
author a custom string the name of the author none
version a custom string the version of the plugin must be a semver string
description a custom string the description of the plugin none
keywords a string array the name of the plugin must contain at least "leapp-plugin"
leappPlugin an object the plugin custom configuration must contain at least "supportedOS" and "supportedSessions"
leappPlugin.supportedOS a string array ["mac", "windows", "linux"] if not specified, all OSs will be considered compatible
leappPlugin.supportedSessions a string array ["anyType, "aws", "azure", "awsIamRoleFederated", "awsIamRoleChained", "awsSsoRole", "awsIamUser"] at least one of these values must be specified
leappPlugin.icon a custom string fontAwesome code for an icon (e.g. "fa fa-globe") must be a valid FontAwesome 5 code

Plugin Examples

Open Web Console

import { Session } from "@noovolari/leapp-core/models/session";
import { AwsCredentialsPlugin } from "@noovolari/leapp-core/plugin-sdk/aws-credentials-plugin";
import { PluginLogLevel } from "@noovolari/leapp-core/plugin-sdk/plugin-log-level";

export class WebConsolePlugin extends AwsCredentialsPlugin {
  get actionName(): string {
    return "Open web console";

  get actionIcon(): string {
    return "fa fa-globe";

  async applySessionAction(session: Session, credentials: any): Promise<void> {
    this.pluginEnvironment.log("Opening web console for session: " + session.sessionName,, true);

    const sessionRegion = session.region;
    const sessionDuration = 3200;
    const isUSGovCloud = sessionRegion.startsWith("us-gov-");
    let federationUrl;
    let consoleHomeURL;

    if (!isUSGovCloud) {
      federationUrl = "";
      consoleHomeURL = `https://${sessionRegion}${sessionRegion}`;
    } else {
      federationUrl = "";
      consoleHomeURL = `${sessionRegion}`;

    if (sessionRegion.startsWith("cn-")) {
      throw new Error("Unsupported Region");

    this.pluginEnvironment.log("Starting opening Web Console",, true);

    const sessionStringJSON = {
      sessionId: credentials.sessionToken.aws_access_key_id,
      sessionKey: credentials.sessionToken.aws_secret_access_key,
      sessionToken: credentials.sessionToken.aws_session_token,

    const queryParametersSigninToken = `?Action=getSigninToken&SessionDuration=${sessionDuration}&Session=${encodeURIComponent(

    const res = await this.pluginEnvironment.fetch(`${federationUrl}${queryParametersSigninToken}`);
    const response = await res.json();

    const loginURL = `${federationUrl}?Action=login&Issuer=Leapp&Destination=${consoleHomeURL}&SigninToken=${(response as any).SigninToken}`;