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Install Leapp

Install Leapp App

MacOS, Windows, and Linux

You can install Leapp by downloading the pre-built binaries for your OS on the website release page

Download Leapp

Unzip the package and double-click the executable to install.

macOS (Homebrew) & Linux (Linuxbrew)

Leapp can also be installed on macOS or Linux via Homebrew Cask with:

$ brew install leapp


In addition, Leapp can also be installed with Linuxbrew on Windows via WSL

Install Leapp CLI

You can install Leapp CLI through a Homebrew Formula:

$ brew install Noovolari/brew/leapp-cli

In Linux it may happen that the command leapp is not recognized. In that case we suggest to run the following command:

$ brew link leapp-cli

Install Leapp CLI on macOS with ARM64 chip (M1, M2)

On macOS with ARM64 chip you can use the Homebrew Formula:

$ brew install Noovolari/brew/leapp-cli-darwin-arm64

All the available commands are listed in the Leapp CLI section of the documentation.


Leapp CLI will work only if the Desktop App is installed and running.